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Roulette Astuce Martingale

Roulette Astuce Martingale Rating: 4,6/5 4863 reviews

The most famous and most basic roulette system is the Martingale system. It is premised on a completely simple principle: we start with one bet, if we lose, we double our bet. Each time we lose, we double our last lost bet until we win. We can lose several times in a row, but when we win, we will recover all our lost bets plus one unit as a profit. Simple and very effective.

The Martingale system is the most popular and commonly used roulette strategy. The concept behind it is pretty simple – you increase your bet after every loss, so when you eventually win, you get your lost money back and start betting with the initial amount again.

What do the statistics say?

It is obvious that the system always works well. The probability of winning is 18/37 = 48.65 % in each spin. It is certain that we will strike it lucky and win sooner or later. The question is how long will the series of losing last? The main problem with this system is to have sufficient money to make the next bet because the big slumps always occur in a longer losing series.

However, let’s take a look at the progression of the system with an unlimited bankroll in the following graphs:

  • The Reverse Martingale betting system (also known as Paroli) is considered to be one of the oldest gambling strategies ever. There is evidence of it being used in Italy as early as the 16th century, for a game known as Basset.
  • Here is a new method on dozens and columns. It is played in the same way as the method on the line bets. Principle of the roulette method on the dozens and columns Wait for a number to come out, look at the neighbors of that number and bet on the columns and/or dozens of its direct neighbors. To help you, here is the table of columns and dozens to play according to when they come out.
So it was a fully typical progression. The system constantly went to a profit. The only thing which could make us slightly uncertain were the “hairs” hanging from the curve and performing local slumps. These slumps even reached values of 100 000 to 1 000 000 units. It sometimes happened that these slumps were not so significant for a longer time and occurred when the system had gained some earnings, so it actually did not get close to a zero, as was shown in the second graph above.

It means that there is a great possibility of winning a lot of money from practically nothing. At the same time, it can be misleading. We can generally say that it can happen or not.

The Martingale betting with Loss/Stop factor

If we want to avoid the big slumps, we will try to apply some limitations, such as a maximum number of losses in the series. After a losing series, we will start to bet again from the beginning. Our limitations are for 5 and 10 losses. What will the progression look like?

As we can see, the Martingale system sloped downward because of our limitations. The higher the limitation, the “more serrated” was the graph and there were more sequences of growth. However, basically the progression went below zero. We could nevertheless observe a longer series, in which the significant slumps did not occur and the system went to a plus. Unfortunately, there were not very many such cases, which could pose the risk of losing money.

Roulette Astuce Martingale Ball

Never mind! We will try to apply the basic progression of the series. After each unsuccessful streak, we will increase the size of the bet by 1 unit, until we again go to a profit. Again we will apply our limitations to 5 and 10 losses.

It was an interesting finding. In the case of the limitations to 5 losses, the progression did not prove too much, so there was the same downward trend as at the variant without progression. In the case of the limitations to 10 losses, the progression started to change. It went to a profit for a while, as well as going steeply below zero. It sometimes oscillated just around zero.Roulette astuce martingale dog collar

It was shown that the betting system became very unstable. In the long term, the progression headed downward and went below zero. However, in the medium term, the betting can be profitable (though not necessarily), so the result is that we do not know what to expect from it.


The Martingale System with Wait Effect

Let’s try one more thing called the Martingale Wait, a special version of the game, when you wait for the series of the opposite color (the same color has to come up, for example, 5 times in a row) and only then will you start to bet. It is premised on the subjective feelings that the ball doesn’t remember where it came to a halt in the previous spins and has not a tendency to create too long a series.

More precisely, if the ball creates any series, we will make the series shorter and reduce the risk of losing money. An interesting thing is to apply this type of game to the previous game with the limitations to 10 losses and with the linear progression. If we add a “wait factor of 5” (black has to come up 5 times in a row, then we will start to bet on red), the system appears as follows:

In most of the cases, the progression went to a profit practically without any risk,

Roulette Astuce Martingale Dog Collar

as was shown in the first graph. Roughly once per 100 000 spins, the system completely failed and its value fell well below zero (as shown in the second graph).

In addition, from the long-term point of view, the game is very safe and results in almost certain profit. The difficulty is that you have to spend most of the time of the spinning of the roulette wheel, waiting for a certain series, so the final profit is quite small due to the time spent in playing roulette (300 units per 25 000 spins – so about one year of relaxed playing for one hour per day).

The importance of the “wait effect” disappears in shorter “wait series”(when black comes up 20 times in a row, it isn’t helpful to wait for 2 spins, but it is helpful to wait for 8 spins). On the other hand, the system makes “stairs” in the progression in the long-term series and it happens that you have just 3-4 sizable bets for all of 25 000 spins.

This variant is unplayable by itself, but it can work well as part of some complex system, using a bigger amount of gambling systems and following other systems in the intervening time.

  • Martingale Roulette Odds
  • Martingale Roulette System Review
  • Martingale Roulette Success Stories
  • Martingale Strategy FAQ
Martingale is a simple double up betting system that originated in France sometime in the 18th century. In this article we will show you how the Martingale roulette strategy works. We will also explore the pros and cons, so you can judge for yourself if it’s the best online roulette strategy for you.
The Martingale roulette strategy is still very popular today with many new players using it without realising it. However, rarely will you find experienced roulette players employing the classic Martingale. That information alone should tell you something is fundamentally wrong with it.
Roulette Astuce Martingale

Martingale Roulette Odds

Let’s start at the beginning and explain how the Martingale roulette strategy works, then we can assess its strengths and weaknesses. The classic system is a negative progression betting strategy, this means you increase the size of your stake each time you lose.
In the case of the Martingale system, you must increase your stake by double the amount of the previous losing bet. Therefore, if you started with a £1 stake and have a string of losing bets, the size of your stake would increase like so:
No. of spins
Stake Amount12481632641282565121024
The theory behind the standard Martingale betting system is that eventually, you will win. By doubling up the bet each time, when you do finally land that win, you’ll be in profit to the value of 1x your initial skate. In our example, this would mean you win £1.
No. of spins
Stake Amount1248163264128
Profit / Loss-1-3-7-15-31-63-1271
It’s important to note, that Martingale roulette odds do not affect the house edge in any way. All variants of roulette, whether it is French, European or American, favour the casino in the long term.

Roulette Astuce Martingale Games

Martingale Roulette System Review

You should only use the classic Martingale on the outside bets that pay out at 1:1. These are: red/black, hi/lo numbers and odd/even. With these bets you have a close to 50% chance of winning, 48.65% to be exact on a single zero European wheel.
With that in mind, the theoretical logic behind this roulette betting strategy is reasonably sound - based on you having an infinite amount of money and an infinite number of spins. However, no one has an infinitive pile of cash and even if you did, the casino is one step ahead because every roulette table has a maximum bet limit. So, in practice, you are most likely to either run out cash or hit the table limit, at which point when you win, you won’t return a profit.
Our Martingale roulette system review discovered that supporters of this method state how unlikely it is to lose 5 times, or 10 times in a row. We decided to do the maths for you. According to the standard probabilities calculations, you stand a 3.57% chance of losing five games in a row. That number lowers to 0.13% for losing 10 games in a row.
No. of spins
Chances of losing (%)51.326.313.56.953.571.830.94.480.250.13
A vital flaw in this thinking is that the previous spin has no bearing on the one to follow. It can be debated that because every spin is totally independent and the roulette wheel has no memory that each spin remains at the probability of 51.3% of losing. Certainly, when you apply the law of large numbers, it will balance out very close to that percentage, but for short sessions, this is not a safe yardstick to measure success or failure by.

Martingale Roulette Success Stories

We’ve established that Martingale is a high-risk betting strategy and with the stipulations that casinos enforce regarding table limits, it makes it even more difficult to implement successfully.
Yet, there still have been many Martingale roulette success stories heard through the years. And let’s be honest, if it was a total dud, it wouldn’t be spoken about 200 years after it was first invented. So, how is it possible to make the classic Martingale work for you?
First of all, play short sessions. The longer you stay at the roulette table, the greater the chances are of you hitting a dreaded losing streak that you cannot cover. If you’re betting £10 a game, set a win target of £50 or £100. When you hit that amount, log out from the casino. It’s easy to get sucked in thinking that today is your lucky day. We’ve all been there. The cold hard facts are, the maths don’t lie. There will come a time when the casino calls to collect. The feeling of losing £300 or £400 is actually far worse if you were previously up and didn’t stop when you should have.
Other players have had success with Martingale by starting on low limit tables. For this to work you need a good online casino that offers a variety of roulette tables each with different bet limits. You also need to have the bankroll (which goes without saying) and lastly, you need patience. The strategy works by starting on £0.10 games, so that is all you are winning each cycle (hence needing patience). Because you are on a low limit table, if you go on a losing streak and approach the maximum bet limit, you simply swap over to a new table which offers higher limits. You need to have faith that eventually you will win, and it can be a hair-raising experience placing a large bet just to return a £0.10 profit.
There are also little tweaks players have thought up, such as the Double Martingale. We’ll discuss those in another post, however. Overall, you do need to be careful using this system, but it does have its moments and it can be good fun when the casino gods are on your side.

Martingale Strategy FAQ

Roulette Astuce Martingale Game

Who should use the Martingale strategy?

Due to its ease of use - this strategy is perfectly suited for beginners and more experienced players alike. However, it's worth keeping in mind that the cost of bets can rise quickly - which isn't too ideal for players starting out.

What is the advantage of the Martingale?

Mathematically, the strategy is near full proof - the wheel will always land on one of the two colours over a certain number of rounds.

What is the downside of the Martingale strategy?

If you have a long losing streak of bets, the cost to keep up can quickly rise. Table limits can also stop you from meeting the betting requirements, ensuring significant losses.