Ragnarok Eternal Love Armor Slot
Manipulate the laws of nature with the Creator. Creators are great tanks thanks to their Homunculus and can dish out a considerable amount of damage to make your enemies fear you. Not only that, Creators can weaken tanks incredibly which is perfect for War of Emperium.
Ragnarok Online M:Eternal Love database and resources. Find information on items, NPCs, monsters, furnitures, equipments, cards, MVP here on ROMCodex.com! Mithril Metal Armor - A Mithril armor that protects the user's whole body, Tough and gorgeous.
From experience, Creator is hella fun to play.
The Builds
The Recommendation
- Hell Plant Build
- Acid Build
- Farming Build
Hell Plant Build
The Stats
80 to 99 STR
80 to 99 VIT
20 to 40 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first]
The Build – Hell Plant Merchant
Lvl 10 Cart Attack – 750% PATK at Lv10, Delay 2.5s
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 5 Enhanced Cart – Increase ATK by 75
Lvl 5 Change Cart – Increase bag slot by 30
Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters
The Build – Hell Plant Alchemist
Lvl 5 Sphere Marine – 400% ranged PATK
Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop)
Lvl 3 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal) Lvl 2: Amistr (tank), Lvl 3: Vanilmirth (dmg)
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently
Lvl 10 Life Psychic – Decreases own %PATK & %MATK to improve homunculus stats

Lvl 2 Resurrect Homunculus – Resurects homunculus
Lvl 10 Enchance Cart – Increase ATK by 150 (Merchant Skill)
Lvl 5 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK
The Build – Hell Plant Creator
Lvl 10 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK (1 Skill Point first until Homunculus Strength II is maxed)
Lvl 10 Homunculus Strength II – Improves stats for Hell Plant & Homunculus
Lvl 5 Super Life Psychic – VIT increases homunculus stats
Lvl 10 Gene Research – Improve INT & SP
5 Free Skill Points
Suggestion: Resurrect Homunculus, Axe/Hammer Mastery
The Build –Hell Plant Genetic
Lvl 10 Demonic Fire
Lvl 5 Searing Storm
Lvl 10 Life Merge
Lvl 5 Cart Boost
Lvl 5 Cart Cannon
Lvl 5 Health Link
Lvl 15 Genetic Modification

The rest is up to you
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz / Holy Dagger or Elder’s Hammer
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head Pipe
Tail: Marchosias Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Tights
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Shoes / Bunny Slippers
Accessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring
Sphere Parasitism
Amistr Blessing
Blood Lust
Hell Plant
Restore Homunculus
Acid Build
The Stats
80 to 99 STR
20 to 30 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first]
The rest into STR (max) then extras into INT then VIT
The Build – Acid Merchant
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 5 Enhanced Cart – Increase ATK by 75
Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters
Lvl 10 Discount – Discount from NPC Shops
Lvl 5 Overprice – Increase Selling price to NPCs
The Build – Acid Alchemist
Lvl 5 Acid Terror – Deals PATK, causes Bleed, chance to break armor
Lvl 5 Acid Demonstration – AOE Fire DMG
Lvl 5 Sphere Marine – 400% ranged PATK
Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop)
Lvl 1 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal & MATK)
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently
Lvl 10 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK
Lvl 4 Pharmacy – Increases 8% potion crafting success rate
The Build – Acid Creator
Lvl 5 Powerful Acid Demonstration – Increases MATK of Acid Demonstration by 200%
Lvl 10 Improved Acid Demonstration – Deals Physical DMG to enemy, has 1% chance of breaking weapon & armor
Lvl 10 Gene Research – Improve INT & SP
Lvl 10 Pharmacy – Increases 20% potion crafting success rate
Lvl 1 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK
5 Free Skill Points
Suggestion: Call Homunculus, Homunculus Strength, Axe/Hammer Mastery
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz / Elder’s Hammer
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head Pipe
Tail: Marchosias Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Alloy Mail / Alloy Armor
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Rune Shoes / Rune Boots
Accessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring
Sphere Parasitism
Amistr Blessing
Blood Lust
Hell Plant
Restore Homunculus
Farming Build
The Stats
119 STR (Make sure your total DEX is 90)
Rest to DEX
The Build – Farming Merchant
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters
Lvl 10 Buying Low
Lvl 10 OverPrice
The Build – Farming Alchemist
Lvl 2 Call Homunculus – Summon Amistr
Lvl 5 Sphere Mine
Lvl 5 Sphere Phantasm
Lvl 1 Ressurect Homunculus
Lvl 10 Life Psychic
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength
Lvl 2 Gene modification
10 Points to anything you’d like
If you are using Elder Hammer weapon:
Lvl 10 Axe Hammer Mastery (if you are using Elder Hammer)
Remove Acid Terror and Acid Demonstration
Lvl 5 Gene modification
Put points to max out Pharmacy & later on Learning potion.
The Build – Farming Hell Plant Creator
Lvl 10 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK (1 Skill Point first until Homunculus Strength II is maxed)
Lvl 10 Homunculus Strength II – Improves stats for Hell Plant & Homunculus
Add anything else.
Suggestion: Cart Change, Learning Potion, Axe Hammer Mastery, Pharmacy
Breakthrough Job Lvl 40-70
Max Loud Exclamation
Max Life Psychic
Max Acid Terror / Axe Hammer Mastery
The Build – Farming Hell Plant Genetic
Lvl 10 Life Merge
Lvl 5 Cart Boost
Lvl 5 Cart Cannon
Lvl 5 Health Link
Lvl 15 Genetic Modification
Lvl 10 Demonic Fire
Lvl 5 Searing Storm
The rest is up to you
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz, Holy Dagger > Stalker’s Knife, Elder’s Hammer (2 slots)
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Rudolph’s Horn, Nut on Head
Face: Any that helps
Mouth: Spiked Scarf
Tail: Marchosias Tail, Beast’s Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Tights or Alloy Armor, Thiefs Clothes > Breath Holder’s Armor
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Rune Boots
Accessory: Strength Ring, AGI Pin, Martyr’s Leash
Weapon – Desert Wolf Card x 2 (for Cramp) or any Race card that helps (Hell plant unaffected by element)
Headwear – Andre ★ Card
Offhand – Lude Card
Armor – Dark Swordsman Card
Accessories – Ultraman Card (for Harpy)
All Hell Plant Runes – 46 Gold Medals min (For Hellplant Occult)
Ignore Def
INT switch
Amistr Blessing
Cart Boost
Ragnarok Eternal Love Pc
STR Meal B
Slow Attack Alloy
Satisfied Feast or (Atk & Pen) Original Will-Cookies dish (DMG% to non-boss)
If you think you have the biggest baddest Creator build, leave a comment below. 🙂
Ragnarok Eternal Love Armor Slot Armor