Poker Texas Holdem Tutorial
Hello this is unexceptional rounder and today I am going to teach you how to play No Limit Texas hold’em even if you have no prior experience or knowledge about the game. There are many reasons you should want to learn how to play No Limit Hold’em; these are some of them. Personally, I think the most important thing about poker is how fun the game can be.
- Poker Texas Hold'em Tutorial
- Learning To Play Poker Tutorial
- Texas Holdem Poker Tutorial Free
- Texas Hold ‘Em Poker – A Beginners Guide & Walkthrough
Now I will explain how the game is actually structured. Texas Hold’em is typically played with between 6 and 10 players. The dealer position rotates clockwise, as do the blinds.
There are many reasons you should want to learn how to play No Limit Hold’em; these are some of them. Personally, I think the most important thing about poker is how fun the game can be. Now I will explain how the game is actually structured. Texas Hold’em is typically played with between 6 and 10 players. Texas Hold 'Em Tutorial Intro to Texas Hold 'Em Texas hold 'em (also known as hold 'em) is a variation of the standard card game of poker, and is one of the most popular forms of poker. The game's popularity surged in the 2000s due to poker TV shows, internet poker, and poker books. Complete Texas Hold’em Strategy Guide How To Play Poker I am really glad that you found my easy to follow complete Texas Hold’em strategy guide where we will cover the basics as well as advanced concepts on how to play poker. The four-part tutorial is designed to benefit beginners, intermediate players, and even advanced players. A Brief History: Texas Hold 'em (or Hold'em, Holdem) is the most popular poker variant played in casinos in the United States. Hold 'em's simplicity and popularity has inspired a wide variety of strategy books which provide recommendations for proper play. Try our 'normal difficulty' Texas Holdem free poker game. It's single player, so you don't have to worry about looking the fool in front of your friends and family-and it's difficulty is just right for novice poker players! Master the odds of real Texas Holdem by playing this free poker Texas Holdem game.
Blinds are forced bets put out before you see your cards. The purpose of these “blind bets” is to stimulate betting by always providing some money in the middle to fight over. The big blind is the minimum bet size a player can make and is what determines how big the game plays. For example, in casinos the tables are labeled by their blinds, a one two no limit game refers to blinds which are one dollar for the small blind and two dollars for the big blind.
The small blind is always to the immediate left of the dealer and the big blind is to the left of the small blind. Once the blinds are placed the dealer can begin dealing the cards out with the first card going to the small blind and the last card going to himself, each player is receives two cards face down. These two cards are known as pocket cards or hole cards. Now that all players have their two hole cards, the pre-flop betting round will start with the player to the left of the big blind, sometimes referred to as under the gun.
Each player in order must either call by putting out an amount equal to the big blind or raise increasing the bet at least the size of the big blind. As a note calling the big blind preflop is also referred to as limping. If the player does not want to play their hand they must fold the hand. To fold is to discard one’s hand and surrender interest in the current pot.
No further bets are required by the folding player, but the player cannot win. Folding may be indicated verbally or by discarding one’s hand face down into the pile of other discards called the muck. The player to the left of the big blind is said to have the action on them, because the play cannot continue until they make some action, again the options are folding the hand, calling, or raising. Provided that at least one other player in the hand matches the big blind preflop the dealer will now deal the flop.
The flop is three face up cards known as community cards. Community cards are used by all players to make their hand. The action on this and every subsequent round of betting will start to the left of the dealer on the first player with a live hand still in play. At this point with no bets out, this player can either check, which indicates they do not wish to make a bet, or bet an amount at least equal to the big blind. One at a time moving clockwise around the table, players will call the bet, raise the bet, or fold. Once the flop betting is over and provided at least two players still have live cards the dealer will deal a single community card face up known as the turn, or 4th street.
This round of betting takes place exactly the same as on the flop. The final community card is called the river or fifth street. It will be dealt face up with a final round of betting identical to the two previous rounds.
With no more cards to come the players have all the information about their hands and know what their final hand strength is. If after the river betting round there are still two or more live hands, the dealer will announce a showdown and all players will turn their hands face up. Players may use both, one, or none of their hole cards to make their best 5 card hand.
The best 5 card hand wins the pot, the dealer and blinds all rotate one seat to the left and the next hand begins. There are some important things to know about the showdown and which hand wins. If two players have the same hand, a kicker will be used to determine the winner. This will be the highest card each player has outside of the tied hand. This will be much easier to understand with an example.

Both players have two pair, aces and twos, but player one also has a nine in their hand while player 2 has a king, the king kicker will make the better hand. Their best five card hands are AA22Q vs. AA22K, player 2 has the best 5 card hand because of his King kicker. On this slide I have listed the hand strengths in order, feel free to pause the video and write them down. To put it all together I will quickly walk through an example hand, if anything I mention is still confusing, click the annotation on the screen and you can review that subject or post in the comments below and I will answer your question. As you can see before the cards are dealt the blinds must be posted, player six is the small blind, player one is the big blind. The action is on player two, who folds.
Player four limps and player 6 raises. Player four is then forced to either see the bet and call or fold and give up the pot. Player four calls and flop is dealt.
The action is on player six who is to the left of the dealer and has a pair of kings, he decides to check, player four checks as well. Because both hands are still live the dealer puts out the turn. Now player six checks, but player four makes a two dollar bet, if player six wants to stay in, he must call the two dollar bet, or fold his hand. He calls so the dealer deals out the river card.
Both players check and are still holding live hands after the final betting round, therefore a showdown is required. Player six’s hand is KdKcAhQhJc that is the best five card hand he can make, player four turns over Ad3s making his hand AdAhKcJc8h notice that he doesn’t use the 3s in his hand. It doesn’t matter, whoever can make the best five card hand out of the seven available cards wins the pot. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you or someone you know wants to learn how to play poker you should favorite this and share it with anyone who doesn’t know how to play. Just use the share link below and you can send it to someone or share it on Facebook. If you are looking to improve your game and learn more advanced concepts subscribe to my channel.
Learning to Play Poker
If you want to win at poker, you need to know how to play poker. There are many ways to learn the game of poker, including taking private lessons from a professional poker player. Unless you’re willing to consider that option, we’ve prepared for you the next best thing - an online poker tutorial, which you can view immediately.
Poker Tutorial
Our poker teaching tool is called the Titan Poker Academy, and it’s a simple way to learn how to play poker. This Texas Holdem poker app is a video showing a professional guide to the game, and all you have to do to start is click the button and “start learning.” You can easily learn to play poker online, free with this Texas Hold'em tutorial. It’s as simple as that. The Titan Poker Academy is a poker tool teaching poker in a manner that is easy to comprehend and absorb. Using it will allow you to learn how to play the exciting poker game of Texas Hold'em. | ||
If you click on the Start Learning button, you can easily navigate your way through the 14 steps of our poker teaching process. To help you understand the game of poker, our poker tutorial shows you how a game round of poker proceeds. Watch this action take place in the flash video, or read the steps of the game tutorial below. | ||
Are you ready to use this simple learn to play poker app? Let’s begin. | ||
Take your seat at the virtual table. Texas Hold'em can be played online, at home with friends, or in the settings of the fanciest casinos in the world. In our poker video, you'll be seated alongside three other virtual players, and we'll walk you through the moves of an actual poker hand. | ||
To start off, you'll see a small white disc on the table, called the Dealer Button. This represents the player who will serve as our virtual dealer. The button moves around the table in a clockwise direction after each hand. | ||
Before the first cards are dealt, we want to get some initial money into the pot. Two players make mandatory bets. The player to the immediate left of the Dealer posts the Small Blind, and the next player to the left posts the Big Blind. In our example, we're playing at stakes of $10/$20, so the Small Blind is $10 and the Big Blind is $20. Now the cards are dealt, two to each player, facedown. These cards are known as the 'hole cards', or 'pocket cards'. Only you can see them. |
Rounds of Betting
The first round of betting begins. The player to the immediate left of the player who posted the Big Blind is the first to move. He has three options for starting the action. He can 'call', 'fold', or 'raise'. | |||
Each player in turn must decide how to bet. The position in which a player is seated at the table (position = see the illustration) is crucial to making a decision of how to bet in each round. If a player folds, he mucks (throws in) his cards and is out of the action until the next hand. To stay in, a player must at least 'call'. Bets continue clockwise around the table until the last bet is called. (photo credit: CC-BY-3.0 Drm0hr, Wikimedia) |
Round of Betting = the dealing of a set of cards and associated betting. For example, the dealing of the river and the bets that follow are a round.
** The flop is dealt. These three 'community cards' are dealt face up in the center of the table. All players remaining in the hand try to make the best possible five-card combination of their 'hole cards' and the community cards.
** The second round of betting begins, with the player to the left of the Dealer first to choose either to 'check', 'fold' or place a bet.
** After this round of betting concludes, a fourth community card, known as the 'turn', is dealt face up on the table.
Poker Texas Hold'em Tutorial
** The third round of betting is very similar to the previous rounds. Each player must decide how to act.
Learning To Play Poker Tutorial
** A fifth and final community card, know as the 'river' is dealt face up on the table. Each remaining player will know at this point the final poker hand that can be made.
The Showdown, between the players remaining in the hand, determines who will win the pot. | |||
A final round of betting begins. Each player acts. All players remaining in the hand after this round of betting go to the 'showdown', where the best poker hand wins the pot. If a player folds, he mucks (throws in) Hole cards are revealed, although a losing player may elect to muck his hand and not reveal his cards. The cards are then shuffled and a new hand begins. (photo credit: CC-BY-2.5 Kzollman, Flickr) | |||
Showdown = after the final bet, when all players show their hands or muck, is known as the showdown. |
Texas Holdem Poker Tutorial Free
Hand of Poker, with a Poker Tutorial
Introduction: Take your seat at the poker table. Texas Hold'em can be played at a table of between 2 and 10 players. | ||
The small white disc on the table is called the Dealer Button and it represents the player who will serve as our virtual dealer. This button moves clockwise around the table after each hand. | ||
Before the first cards are dealt, two players post initial bets. The player to the immediate left of the Dealer posts the Small Blind, and the next player to the left posts the Big Blind. | ||
Now the cards are dealt, two to each player, facedown. The only cards you can see are you own. Your two cards are known as your Hole Cards. | ||
Knowing your opponents is as important as knowing your cards. Start playing now. | ||
In turn, starting with the player to the immediate left of the player who posted the Big Blind, each player has three options: Call, Fold, or Raise. | ||
Each player in turn must decide how to bet. To stay in the action, a player must at least Call. Bets continue clockwise around the table until the last bet is called. | ||
Three community cards, known as the Flop, are dealt face up in the center of the table. All players try to make the best possible five-card combination of Hole Cards and community cards. | ||
The second round of betting begins, with the player to the immediate left of the Dealer given the first opportunity to choose either to Check, Fold, or Bet. | ||
Do you know when to Check, Fold, or Bet? Sit down at the table and start playing. | ||
After the highest bet has been called, a fourth community card, known as the Turn, is dealt face up in the center of the table. | ||
The third round of betting begins, and again the player to the immediate left of the Dealer is the first to decide how to act. | ||
Position is key during the betting rounds. Take your position at the table now. | ||
After the highest bet has been called, a fifth and final community card, known as the River, is dealt face up in the center of the table. | ||
The final round of betting begins, and again the player to the immediate left of the Dealer is the first to decide how to act. All players remaining in the hand go to the Showdown. | ||
All players remaining in the hand reveal their Hold Cards, and the pot goes to the player with the best poker hand. The cards are shuffled and a new hand begins. |
Texas Hold ‘Em Poker – A Beginners Guide & Walkthrough
Do you understand how to play poker? Download Titan Poker and take your newly acquired skills to the tables!