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Compiled by John Devine
AWN Assistant Editor
What follows is an outline of key issues which illustrate that the mainstream media and government have neglected their duties to uphold democracy and the rule of law for decades. Below, after this introductory information, there are 13 “tabs,” or documents, some originals and some reproduced in regular text, that support this overview of the last 20-plus years of the apparent abandonment of the rule of law by many in the Canadian governmental and journalistic communities.

This is why Canada needs new, genuinely independent media outlets, such as AWN. Rarely do politicians bother to effectively answer the voters anymore, since, usually the politicians will say that the issue of concern “is not their department” and then the issue will be passed on to numerous bureaucracies who typically say the issue “is not our jurisdiction” before “passing the buck” to other agencies in an nearly endless chain of inaction.
Meanwhile, the standard media won’t make the politicians answer and instead provides a safe haven for the politicians; in so doing, the media more often than not uses diversionary issues behind which the politicians can hide. Simply put, MP and MPP candidates want your vote much more than they want your input. And once elected, they can count on the media to bamboozle the voters into being mere spectators who are essentially cut off from the democratic process—despite claims to the contrary.
Here we consider how Penn National (a U.S. Corporation that until recently managed Casino Rama near Orillia, ON) protected and enabled the Ontario government’s corruption with reprisals and threats of reprisals against whistleblowers when that corporation managed the casino.
With the refusal of all of Canada’s mainstream media outlets to expose corruption—which denies Canadians the protection of the law— the writer of this article, John Devine of Orillia, initially opened a media outlet known as Worlds Apart—and subsequently this news outlet, Awakening News—which also is known as AWN. (Note: Mr. Devine is also a former Casino Rama worker).
After several years of receiving letters and documents, and after the publication of several editions of the Worlds Apart newsletter (now Awakening News) regarding corruption inside the Ontario government, Penn National’s management finally responded to those letters by entering the employees’ break room and grabbing Edition 4 of the former Worlds Apart newsletter from the hands of readers.
Tab 1Below, where the display of the actual documents and other information referred to in the list of tabs begins, the first one contains an excerpt Edition 4 of Worlds Apart.
Upon seizing copies of Edition 4 from the readers in the break room, Penn National’s management suspended me (John Devine) for a week. And upon returning to work, management gave me a written warning of dismissal if I continued to blow the whistle on corruption of which Penn National gained knowledge several years prior to suspending me.
Tab 2 below shows Penn National’s written threats, which suggest Penn National was speaking on behalf of the Ontarian government.
Tab 3 shows that I wrote to the SEC complaining about Penn National obstructing the judicial process in a foreign country, violating the U.S. First Amendment (The Tab 3 document is the reply from the Securities and Exchange Commission).
Tab 4: Shortly after receiving threats from Penn National, I began keeping a diary, and subsequently wrote to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) complaining about Penn National obstructing the judicial process by threatening our media outlet. (Tab 4 is a reply from the OPP).
Following the OPP’s instructions, I wrote anonymously to the Ontario Ministry of Labour because the Ministry (on Feb. 2, 2011) refused to remove workplace hazards (e.g., sharped-edge signs, among other hazards, on the floor of Casino Rama in violation of the Ontario Health & Safety Act). This neglect by the Labour Ministry placed a cloud over the death of one Casino Rama employee and the life-long illness over another. I indicated in my letter to the Labour Ministry that if they were to remove the workplace hazards at Casino Rama, it would establish a trust and I would then come forward with more documented information regarding other violations of the Health & Safety Act.
With an ever-increasing number of human rights violations occurring and the Ministry of Labour Enforcement officers denying Casino staff the protection of the law, I exercised my right not to work in hazardous, harassing conditions under the Health & Safety Act. Unfortunately, and without apparent due process, the Ministry of Labour turned its back on my whistleblowing efforts and allowed Penn National to cut me from the payroll.
Around this time I was informed about a sexual assault on a waitress working on the gaming floor. A waitress bending over to pick up trash from the floor was grabbed by the back of the head and her face forced into a gambler’s crotch.
We continued to publish articles and podcasts in which we attempted to inform the public about what was going on, only to have OPP officers came to our house, of all things, while making threats of reprisal if we kept trying to expose numerous human rights violations and breaches in the Constitution.
Tab 5: Subsequently we wrote to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), complaining that the OPP obstructed justice. (Obstructing an ongoing police investigation authorized by Commander Goard) The RCMP replied (as noted in Tab 5) informing us that our problems were “not their jurisdiction.”
Tab 6: The RCMP sent a copy of my letter to the Office of the Independent Police Director (OIPRD ) which, in turn, asked me to fill out an attached form.
Tab 7: About one week after returning the form to the OIPRD, the OIPRD replied. Notice that the OIPRD letter indicates that it was best to keep this matter from the public. And all the media outlets that we informed about the OIPRD’s position complied with the OIPRD’s request and withheld obstruction of justice issues from the public.
Tab 8: It’s now February of 2015, World’s Apart has become Awakening News, and we assembled all the documents highlighted here and mailed them to Ontario MPP Jim Wilson, the Interim Leader of the Provincial Conservative Party at that time (the official opposition in the Ontario Parliament). Tab 8 is MPP Wilson’s highly important letter—which he wrote to forward our concerns to then-Premier Kathleen Wynne. Wilson sent the documents that we sent to him onward to Premier Wynne along with his letter.
Before too long—while Premier Wynne’s office sat on Wilson’s letter and never replied or acted upon the the information she received from him—the newly elected leader of the Ontario Conservative Party takes over and also does not follow up on the Wilson letter.
Subsequently, then-Conservative Leader Patrick Brown is forced out due to allegations of sexual misconduct. Former Toronto Councilor Doug Ford (brother of famous Toronto Mayor Rob Ford) wins the Conservative Leader Party Election and becomes Ontario’s Premier. So far, he has neither located nor investigated the Wilson Letter, which evidently is still filed in the Premier’s Office.
In the spring of 2018, I contacted FBI Agent Jason Albert, located at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa, and mailed him a packet of the same documents that were sent to MPP Wilson and received by Premier Wynne. Agent Albert sent our information on to the RCMP, while knowing that the RCMP already informed him that what we were blowing the whistle about was “not the jurisdiction” of the RCMP.
Agent Albert concluded that employees of a U.S. corporation (Penn National) stealing intellectual property from other U.S, corporations in a foreign country (a movie-pirating scam that I witnessed on Casino Rama grounds, involving the stealing intellectual property from American movie producers) is somehow not the jurisdiction of the FBI—even though the protection of intellectual property is specifically mentioned in the trade pact known as the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which Penn National presumably operated under.
As previously mentioned, the stealing of intellectual property also happened when Penn National’s middle management grabbed Worlds Apart Edition 4 from the hands of our readers—a free speech (First Amendment) violation on the part of an American corporation (Penn National).
Tab 9: Please find Awakening News’ letter to all Federal parties informing them about concerns of numerous constitutional breaches.
One wonders if corporations currently engaged in legal issues with the RCMP (Hauwei Executive currently in the middle of extradition proceedings, and the SNC-Lavalin scandal) can realistically launch constitutional challenges. Notably, in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, there have been accusations of obstruction from the Prime Minister’s former head of the Privy Council.
The question is, what are the consequences to the RCMP if the above-noted large corporations find out about this denial of the protection of the law to several thousand Casino Rama employees, thus obstructing the judicial process? The ongoing violation of the Canadian Constitution by “not applying the law equally and fairly to all” is getting too obvious to ignore.
Tab 10: Also shown below is a letter to former Attorney General Jody Wilson Raybould, who stepped down from her Minister of Justice/AG position complaining about obstruction in the SNC-Lavalin case.
Tab 11: Letter to Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard, who called for an inquiry into discrimination in the application of the law.
Tab 12: Letter to Minister of Veteran’s Affairs, regarding a World War II veteran’s daughter being forced to work into her retirement years due to reprisals against our whistleblowing efforts.
Tab. 13: Letter to Green Party leaders in Ontario and British Columbia
Hopefully this is enough documentation to cause readers to want to look deeper into our story.
Yours Truly,
John Devine, Assistant Editor of Awakening News
20 Lewis Dr.
Orillia, ON L3V 7S3
Tab 1</strong>: “Worlds Apart” Newsletter, 4th edition, Aug. 20, 2008. Here below is an abbreviated, slightly edited version.
Canada’s Minister of Defence Refuses to
Ensure the Safety and Security of Casino Rama Staff
Dear World’s Apart Readers:
I have spent years trying to get assurances of the safety and security of Casino Rama staff. I am sorry to report, [everyone who’s been asked for help] including Canadian Minister of Defence Peter Mackay, refuses to reply in writing to assure us (Casino Rama Employees) the same protection of the law as all other citizens of Canada have. Before writing to Canada’s Minister of Defence, I asked five OPP officers, five RCMP officers and the respective leaders of both for help. All refuse to address whether or not the corruption of the Ontario Government (including the Ontario Gaming Commission) will affect the safety and security of Casino Rama staff. It is my understanding that the number one responsibility (by law) of our Canadian Minister of Defence is to assure all Canadian citizens receive the protection of the laws of the land. This role of the Defence Minister is especially significant when corruption occurs inside Provincial and Federal police forces. . . .
With Mackay’s refusal to help, one can assume that he feels there is nothing wrong with sending our soldiers to Afghanistan to help stop human rights violations (especially the beating of women) yet Mackay refuses to address the physical assaults on Canadian citizens (including women) and families of Canadian soldiers inside Casino Rama. One wonders how long Mr. Mackay would keep silent if one of his friends, or a family member, was employed [for example, as a dealer] at Casino Rama and had to face the possibility of a chair being thrown, or of being punched or receiving verbal abuse, which can include severe profanity. How would Mr. Mackay like his daughter to be called foul names for simply turning over a card which resulted in a loss for the player? Ironically, we have body bags returning home weekly from Afghanistan containing soldiers who were trying to stop human rights violations overseas, abuses which Defence Minister Mackay neglects to stop in his home nation of Canada . . .
John Devine, Editor, “Worlds Apart”
P.S. What is not told to Casino Rama staff, after being cautioned of the perils of serving certain mentally troubled customers, is no one—not Penn National, not the OPP, not the RCMP, nor any elected official or even Canada’s Defence Minister, will, or can, protect Canadian citizens.
[The Tab 2 name Chris Harry directly above is a link that leads to an AWN article]
Tab 3: SEC letter, Sept. 26, 2008
Tab 4: Commander Goard says “go to the ministry of labour and not the police.”
Tab 5: RCMP letter, Feb. 27, 2013
RCMP say “not my jurisdiction”
Tab 6: RCMP—Send our info. to OIPRD
Tab. 7: The OIPRD says the issue at hand “is not in the public interest” to address

Tab 8: THE WILSON LETTER; MPP Jim Wilson writes Premier Wynne Feb. 25, 2015
Tab 9: April 22, 2019—Letter to PM Justin Trudeau and five party leaders
Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
House of Commons, Ottawa, ON
Jagmeet Singh MP
Leader of Canada’s NDP
Hon. Elizabeth May MP
Leader of Canada’s Green Party
Hon. Andrew Scheer MP
Leader of Canada’s Conservative Party
Mario Beaaulieu MP
Leader of the Bloc Quebecois
Maxime Bernier MP
Leader of the Peoples Party of Canada
Dear Elected Federal Members:
Re: Premier Ford conflicted in a Constitutional Challenge over carbon tax
CBC radio reports on the Ontario Government’s opening statements in the carbon tax conflict.
Premier Ford’s government is not arguing climate change is not real; rather, Ford argues that the suggested carbon tax will not be as efficient as other remedies Premier Ford has in mind, for curbing climate change; thus, the Ontario Government argues the Federal Carbon Tax is unconstitutional.
MPP Jim Wilson sent a special letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne’s office in early 2015 and recommended that she consider our idea for an investigation into our allegations of numerous constitutional violations, starting with our media outlet—World’s Apart, the precursor to Awakening News—being obstructed from informing the taxpayers/voters about climate change technology [e.g. tried-and-tested technology for groundwater preservation that was suppressed by the Canadian government in 1994] and the need for protection of such intellectual property.
This of course begs the question: Does Premier Ford know about the unanswered Wilson letter? To the best of our knowledge the Wilson letter is still sitting in the Premier’s files. And Premier Ford has yet to reply to my requests [regarding] the status of the Wilson letter.
Why would Premier Ford argue about the constitutionality of PM Trudeau’s Carbon Tax but not question the constitutionality of our media outlet being obstructed? We were using our right to free speech to inform all citizens about the success a family of farmers from Simcoe North (Ontario) achieved in advancing groundwater preservation technology for fish farming. [That’s the groundwater-preservation technology / intellectual property referred to above that Canada suppressed]
We assume Premier Ford knows the significance of groundwater preservation and climate change—ad that he sees the connection [Droughts could cause significantly more groundwater to be consumed from already stressed aquifers, in order to water the crops.
Please see in the enclosed correspondence a letter written to MP Jody Wilson Raybould, in which I summarized our whistleblowing efforts about numerous constitutional breaches, as well as possible criminal acts.
NOTE: It is understood in that our Canada’s “See Something Say Something” campaign, whistleblowers are encouraged to bring issues to the attention of the police and other government authorities. It is then the responsibility of the authorities to inform the whistleblower which issues brought forward by the whistleblower will, or will not, be brought before the courts.
MP Raybould has yet to reply (abdicating her “See Something Say Something” responsibilities) to my most recent letter, in which I simply asked her if she was informed of the issues about which we previously wrote to her while she was Canada’s Minister of Justice/Att. General. (no reply)
Please note there are many more than MP Jody Wilson Raybould who have abdicated their responsibilities in the See Something Say Something campaign.
Unfortunately voters in the recent Ontario Provincial Election did not know Premier Ford would refuse to investigate the allegations in the MPP Wilson letter.
The refusal of the RCMP to investigate our allegations of the judicial process being obstructed has created a constitutional breach. Surely this abdication of the duty of the RCMP to offer protection of the law to all Canadian citizens would cause Premier Ford to launch another constitutional challenge.
Tab 10: Letter to MP Jody Wilson Raybould
March 4, 2019
To: MP Jody Wilson Raybould
Room 434 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Re: Whistleblower obstructed from participating in the judicial process; RCMP refuse to investigate, denying protection of the law to thousands of Canadian citizens, opening the door for a Constitutional Challenge from SNC-Lavalin.
Dear Jody:
There is a real possibility the staff representing you, while you occupied the office of the Minister of Justice/Attorney General, did not make you aware of our concerns of the Canadian Constitution being breached, due to the refusal of the RCMP to investigate issues we brought to the attention of the RCMP, which included concerns of the criminal code being violated as well as Canada’s Constitution being breached.

Please find below several issues, of obstruction of justice, starting with the most recent issue we have been blowing the whistle about, still not investigated by the RCMP.
- We were attempting to bring to the attention of the OPP instances of lawlessness at Casino Rama. In the middle of this investigation launched by the OPP, OPP Officers came to our house with threats of reprisals if we continued to blow the whistle on lawlessness, which had festered to include assaults (sexual, verbal and physical) on Casino Rama employees (both indigenous and non-indigenous people).
I subsequently wrote to the RCMP complaining about the OPP obstructing the judicial process, by coming to our house with threats of reprisals if we continued to simply write government officials. The RCMP responded by saying this was not their jurisdiction, even though it was on Federal land. The RCMP then passed our complaints onto to the (OIPRD) Office of the Independent Police Review Director.
The OIPRD replied saying it was best the public not hear about this.
- Prior to issue No. 1, we attempted to expose corruption inside Casino Rama involving the stealing of intellectual property. Penn National [which managed Casino Rama at the time] was granted full wide legal latitude by Ontario’s government and suspending me for a week and upon returning to work gave us a letter in which Penn National stated further reprisals would be forth coming if we continued to attempt to expose corruption.
- Well before issue No. 2, the Ontario Government forged documents to cover up the destruction of Fisherman’s Cove, and in doing so obstructed the execution of the estate of Eleanor Sheppard. The OPP refused to investigate. I then wrote to the RCMP, who replied yvsaying our allegations of obstruction of justice by the Ontario government and the refusal of the OPP to investigate this obstruction is “not the jurisdiction” of the RCMP.
Instead of the Ontario government attempting to settle the issue of disturbance and damages by offering to demolish and rebuild Fisherman’s Cove on the remaining land that not already expropriated, the provincial government forged documents by claiming the property was vacant land on the date of seizure, contradicting the surveys the very same government possessed.
Please recall that Ontario MPP Wilson, while occupying the position of Interim Leader of the Ontario Conservatives, wrote a letter to then-Premier Wynne, asking for an investigation into our allegations of the judicial system being obstructed. (Note, MPP Wilson’s letter is one of the 13 tabs featured below. There was reply from Premier Wynne.
Fast forward to today and Premier Ford also has not replied to report on the status of the Wilson letter.
Michael Bryant, representing the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, has spoken about the consequences if the RCMP refuses to investigate obstruction-of-justice allegations, referring specifically to the SNC-Lavalin investigation.
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This of course causes one to be concerned about whether obstruction-of-justice allegations we brought to the attention of the RCMP (still not investigated) will allow SNC-Lavalin to launch a constitutional challenge—which, if successful, would allow SNC-Lavain to go free.
An immediate reply is expected.
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Yours Truly,
John Devine
Assistant Editor, Awakening News
20 Lewis Dr.
Orillia ON L3V 7S3
Tab. 11: Letter to Sen. Wanda Thomas Bernard
April 22 2019
Dear Sen. Bernard:
Re: A request for all of Canada’s discriminatory application of the law to be investigated.
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Please accept this as an official request to include all discriminatory application of the law, when the Senate is addressing your complaints of profiling.
Please find enclosed a letter to all Leaders of Canada’s political parties, and correspondence regarding numerous discriminatory acts committed by Govt. authorities.
Had Premier Ford carried out his democratic responsibilities when becoming Premier of Ont., and requested the status of a letter sent to Premier Wynne, by MPP Wilson, while occupying the interim Ont. conservative leader’s position, there may not be a cloud over Premier Ford’s Constitutional concerns over climate change, and carbon tax.
The question is, why would Premier Ford not address the discriminatory fashion in which a small business (attempting to advance climate change technology) was treated.
According to MPP Hillier (an expert on Property rights) had Fisherman’s Cove been owned by a US Corporation, the Ont. Govt. would by law under NAFTA, be required to compensate for disturbances and damages. Because Canadian’s do not have property rights imbedded into the Constitution, Canadian’s are not always offered compensation for disturbances and damages.
The Ont. Govt. took the legal position if Eleanor Sheppard (a 75 year old philanthropist) wanted to carry on with her business at Fisherman’s Cove, Eleanor would have to finance the demolition and reconstruction of Fisherman’s Cove on land not expropriated. Details can be found in our website www.awakeningnews.ca
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Enclosed you will find other discriminatory acts committed by Govt. authorities, and the judicial process being obstructed due to Awakening news’s attempts to expose said acts.
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The most concerning of constitutional breach we have been blowing the whistle on is the obstruction placed upon us by the OPP (threats of further reprisals) and the RCMP refusing to investigate the OPP, when we were attempting to expose assaults including sexual assaults, at Casino Rama. My concern is sexual deviants who gain knowledge of the refusal of said authorities to prosecute all sexual deviants, can mount a constitutional challenge by said deviants, sighting discrimination. “A get out of jail free card.”
What connects all of the constitutional breaches we have been blowing the whistle on, is the granting of unbridled, irretrievable powers, to authorities, including foreign authorities operating in Canada. Eg. Penn National,(a foreign identity) being authorized the right to threaten our media outlet with reprisals and then follow through on said threats, resulting on yours truly being cut from the payroll. (note the written threats by Penn National, enclosed)
This unbridled irretrievable authority was given to the Ont. Govt. authorities in the expropriation of Fisherman’s Cove, as well as the writing of NAFTA by Canadian authorities.
How is it possible for the OPP to prosecute and convict civil servants in the Walkerton tragedy for falsifying documents to cover up not repairing water treatment equipment, and not prosecute Ont. civil servants for falsifying documents to cover up the destruction of water treatment equipment at Fisherman’s Cove.
Remember it was the discharge from the farming community which caused the Walkerton tragedy. It was at Fisherman’s Cove where we were advancing technology to reduce the discharge from the farming community.
One wonders how the judge would have reacted in the Walkerton case, had the civil servants’ lawyer argued said water treatment equipment didn’t exist.
This is the position the Ont. Govt. took in the expropriation of Fisherman’s Cove, saying Fisherman’s Cove was vacant land on the date of seizure.
It is important all voters know (prior to the upcoming Federal Election) about all discriminatory acts by Govt. officials, and the exposure of constitutional breaches, which Hauwei and SNC Lavalin can use sighting discrimination in the application of the law, in constitutional challenges.
May I suggest we meet and then I can take you into all of the issues of discrimination, we have been blowing the whistle on, and answer any questions you may have.
Yours Truly,
John Devine
Assistant Editor, Awakening News
Tab 12: Letter to Veteran’s Affairs
April 1, 2019
The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay
Veterans Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P4
Dear Mr. MacAulay:
Re: A D-Day Veteran’s daughter forced to work into her retirement years due to corruption inside the Min. of Labor, the OPP and Casino Rama.
Please find my enclosed letter written to branches of the Canadian Legion and American Legion.
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In the letter are details and documentation of the corruption inside Casino Rama and the Minister of Labour, which cost Yours Truly his job and forced my wife (daughter of a World War II Veteran) to work into her retirement years.
[This involves] all political parties refusing to investigate, and the Canadian media refusing to expose this abdication of democracy. issues of obstruction of justice, and Constitutional breaches due to the RCMP and the OPP refusing to investigate my allegations of obstruction of justice. . .
Regarding obstruction of justice (found in my letter to MP Jody Wilson Raybould) being investigated, I would then expect the Police (if one can find a police force who says this is their jurisdiction) would investigate the criminal acts we have been blowing the whistle on (e.g., a Casino Rama waitress having her face rubbed in the crotch of a gambler) This, along with numerous criminal acts I witnessed or gained knowledge of, have yet to be investigated. I find it interesting that Canada’s $1.1. billion CBC gives air time to former Vice President Joe Biden placing his hands on the shoulders of a woman in a room full of people, yet refuses to report a waitress being pulled into a gambler’s crotch on the gaming floor of Casino Rama.
Had former Premier Wynne followed the democratic process and responded to MPP Wilson’s letter after investigating the documentation MPP Jim Wilson mailed to her office (accompanying the letter), clarity may have been made regarding the above issues and our letters to the American and Canadian Legions may not have been necessary.
To make matters worse, Premier Ford, presumably knowing the Wilson letter is still in the Premier’s office, refused to ask what has been done with the letter.
Penn National, after suspending Yours Truly for a week (for attempting to blow the whistle on instances of lawlessness inside Casino Rama) followed through on their written threats and cut Yours Truly from the payroll, because I refused to quit blowing the whistle.
This festering corruption has now placed a cloud over the death of one Casino Rama employee and the long-term illness to another.
I would like to think you will respond immediately and save the Legions any embarrassment. One would hope you don’t expect the Legions to become sycophants, like what the Canadian media has turned out to be.
Yours Truly,
John Devine
Assistant Editor Awakening News
Tab 13: Letter to two provincial Green Party leaders
May 7, 2019
MPP Mike Schreiner, Green Party leader
Constituency Office
173 Woolwich St. Unit 102
Guelph, ON. N1H 3V4
Leader of the BC Green Party Andrew Weaver
PO Box 8088 STN Central
Victoria, BC V8W 3R7
Please find an enclosed package mailed to the Leader of Canada’s Green Party MP Elizabeth May along with Leaders of Canada’s other Federal Parties.
We are currently reaching out to Sam Cooper, a journalist from Global Media. Hopefully, Sam will not be ignored in the same fashion reporters in Ontario have been ignored by their respective editors.
Hopefully MP Elizabeth May will have her staff meet with me, and Sam Cooper’s editors will be allowed to publish our story.
We will never know if Doug Ford would have been elected if the voters knew Mr. Ford would not address Casino corruption, as identified in a key letter MPP Jim Wilson wrote to Premier Wynne’s Office (at the time Wilson was interim leader of the Ontario conservatives).
Mr. Weaver, in light of the news of another Green candidate (the Honorable MP Manley) winning a seat in the House of Commons, I suggest you forward a copy of this bound binder to MP Manley and meet with him.
Please confirm you will bring MP Manley up to speed.
One assumes obstructing a whistleblower’s right to free speech and free press is obstruction of justice when the whistle blower is attempting to ascertain if what has been witnessed and documented requires authorities to bring issues in front of the courts.
When authorities refuse to investigate urgent matters, they have denied protection of the law to all who have been exposed to lawlessness—a blatant violation of the Canadian Constitution.
Yours Truly,
John Devine
Assistant Editor Awakening News