Oblivion Armor Slots
yes there is a way to see the magic deficiency %. i think in the magic tab. just look for it a little bit. it will show how much you have at the time, but not what pieces give what %'s.
3 armor items 1 Oblivion's Dark Core 1 Oblivion's Dark Bile (no idea what this is for) 0 - 1 Essence Of Speed Page top. Slot 1, Type 8 Page top. Note: This fit has been marked as hidden by the uploader. This means that the fit could be obsolete or that it has been replaced by a other one!
also. if you are a full on mage, you should (hopefully) have alteration. it has sheild spells. you can enchant armor/clothing with the 10% shield enchant (grand soul gem of course. lower tier gems will give less %). armor rating is displayed on your equip tab as a shiled with a number by it. it caps at 85, and nothing past 85 has any further effect on armor. so enchant some normal clothing/robes, and what not, with the shield, and when you enter battle, cast the actual sheild spell on top of it. you end up with plenty of armor, even in comparison to someone in heavy armor, depending on on how many items you enchant with the sheild.
Creation Kit Question - item slot reassignment - posted in Oblivion Mod Talk: Hello everyone. Im no stranger to mods from an installation and usage standpoint, but I dont have much experience with making them myself. I have a general understanding of the creation kit and how to use it - I routinely tweak existing mods to tailor stats etc. To my preference. I have a question regarding armor. Head, Chest, Legs, Hands, Boots, Two Rings, One Amulet, and a Shield. Clothing cannot be worn underneath armor, you cannot wear two different Gloves, and robes take up both the Legs and Chest Slot. (The Mythic Dawn Robes in the tutorial dungeon also take up the Hands slot.).
i assume you have the game on PC. so i will suggest you check out this site.
Planet Elder Scrolls - and look for player made mods. they really expand well on the game if you get ones that please your playstyle. there is even a mode for 'armored robes' so you can have look like a caster and still have armor (will still give deficiency i imagine). i have mods for different armor/wepons, dungeons, wearable cloaks, a rideble dragon that can fly, and plenty more. my favorite is one that allows me to befriend a large % of the NPCs in the world, equip them, giving them battle directions, and even hire fighters from the fighters guild, making it useful without even joining it.
have fun with the game. i hope this helps in some way.
EVE Workbench Release 1.6.0
We are proud with the immediate release of EVE Workbench 1.6.0 which brings you new features and bug fixes. With this release we also think that the project is no longer in BETA phase.
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- [ENH] Optimized Fitting Search
- [ENH] Fixed the visual quircks in the Fitting detail regarding the Implants
- [NEW] Added Boosters to the Fitting detail
- [ENH] Changed the Public-state to a more general state introducing Hidden fits (1)

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Oblivion Armor Slots Cheats
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