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Macro Equip Slot

Macro Equip Slot Rating: 3,9/5 796 reviews

Macros assume when you use two numbers seperated by spaces you are referencing a bag slot rather than an inventory slot. The secondary number corresponds to the actual slot inside the bag starting with 1 and going all the way to the last number in the bag. /equip noequipped:shields Quel'Serrar /equip noequipped:shields Barrier Shield /equipslot equipped:shields 17 Brutality Blade /equipslot equipped:shields 16 Claw of the Black Drake (replace my gear with your gear! Slot 16 is MAIN HAND and slot 17 is OFF HAND):). Equipment slots in macros When creating macros based on 'click to use' items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item. See the macro for Un-equip/Equip for weapon/dress swaps. Back: Dress/Equip:To make a full dress macro drag the ‘Equip Items’ action to the command box. In the pop up box drag all items off your paperdoll, armor & clothing tabs, or from your backpack into the boxes. When using the macro, the ‘slot’ for the item to be equipped needs to be.

EverQuest II Extended Macros Guide by Kalyyn

I wrote a basic guide to creating macros for my guildmates, I thought others here may find it usefull

The EQ2 macro system is pretty basic (intentionally so, no fully automated play here like in SWG) but is still very usefull.

It is NOT possible to run another macro from within a macro.
it is NOT possible to add a pause into a macro
it is NOT possible to make a macro repeat itself automatically

To make a macro, go to the menu and choose socials. From here choosethe macro tab.

click where it says to create a new macro.
You will now have this window

Give your macro a name in the box provided.

Macro Equip Weapon To Slot

Choose an icon for your name. You can choose using the scroll buttons to either side or drag any spell icon from your knowledge book or any item from you inventory (more on using spell icons/items later).

You can have many steps in your macro (I think up to 20 )

You can choose from 4 different types of step

here you can enter any ‘/’ command, such as /group Incoming!! (which will say ‘incoming!!’ in group chat) or /camp desktop (which will camp you to desktop funnily enough).

Use spell or ability
To use this step drag a spell or ability from your knowledge book directly into the box.
You can only use two spells, abilities or items in any macro.
If you try to use more than two, the first will be cast/used right away and the last qued up.

If you are using a macro to cast a spell or use an ability, use the icon of the first spell/ability you are using as the main macro icon.
this way , the macro icon, when dragged to a hotkey, will dull/brighten when unavailable/available.

Equip an item
Drag any item you wish to equip into the box from your inventory.
If you drag an item from an equipped slot, this will not work.
You can equip many items in a single macro, but if incombat you wil be unable to change equipment (except for your main and off-hand weapon.


You can unequip items using macro’s, but this has to be done using a ‘/’ command (more info on this in the ‘/’ command post)

edit.. It is now possible to macro items to be equipped in your appearance slot. if you wish to place an item in appearance, follow the procedure here, but check the ‘appearance’ box.

Use an item
To use an item (such as manastone, totem etc…) from a macro you must drag th eitem into the box given.
If the item needs to be equipped to be used, you must drag it from an equipped slot, not your bags.
using items follows the same queing rules as spells, i.e you can only use two in any macro.

Once you have all of your commands in the macro, you can click the test button to try it out.

If you wish to change the order of any of the steps, just use the up and down arrows to the right hand of the step to adjust the order.

Once you are ready click OK to save the macro.

drag the macro icon to an empty hotkey to use

Placing fun characters in macros
You can add some fun characters to macro’s

copy the symbol you want from below (highlight and press ctrl+c)
go ingame, edit your macro and copy the symbol in using ctrl+v

♪ ♫ ☺ ☻ ☼ ♀ ♂ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ © ® ├ ┤ ├O┤

you can find plenty of more characters to use

In Windows

go to All programsAccessoriesSystem toolscharacter map

you can copy characters from here in the same manner


not all symbols will work, trial and error will show you which ones do.

Wow Macro Equip Bag Slot

CONSTRUCTION ON HARTFORD ROAD. On or about October 4, 2017 there will either be
lane restrictions or total closure of Hartford Road from Union Mill Road to Sixth Street.
From Moorestown/Interstate 295: traveling east on Route 38, pass the Sunoco gas
station and turn right into the jug handle (between the Sunoco and Beneficial Bank).
Follow the jug handle around to the stop sign. Make a right onto Hartford Road and
another right into our parking lot.
From Hainesport/Lumberton: traveling west on Route 38, travel through the traffic light at
Hartford Road and make a right into the jug handle and proceed to the traffic light at
Route 38 and Hartford Road. Make a left onto Route 38 east bound staying in the far right
lane. Make a right into the jug handle just passed the Sunoco gas station. Follow the jug
handle around to the stop sign at Hartford Road. Make a right onto Hartford Road and
another right into our parking lot.
From Medford: traveling north on Hartford Road, make a left turn onto Union Mill Road.
Make a right turn onto Briggs Road and follow to Route 38. Make a right onto Route 38
east and follow the directions from Moorestown/Interstate 295. ALTERNATIVE route is to
make a right onto Union Mill Road. Make a left onto Larchmont Blvd and continue to
Route 38. Make a left onto Route 38 West and follow the directions above from
From Delran/Route 130 traveling south on Hartford Road, make a left onto Route 38 east
staying in the far right lane and follow the directions above from Moorestown/Interstate
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